Lanseria’s Premium & Exclusive

Memorial Park in South Africa

Ash repositories
Family Plots
Hero Acres
Engaged Senses

Where public cemeteries sell graves, we sell an opportunity to remain in touch with one’s roots by offering safety & security and a dignified environment where the living and the deceased can meet in a celebration of our heritage.

Welcome to an exclusive memorial park where you can bury your beloved departed in a place of remembrance and celebration, a generational meeting space, where all the members of a family can be joined in rest, as they were in life.

It is a symbolic landscape embedded with spiritual meaning. A visual rest for the eyes and the soul. A garden that brings quietude to the body and mind. Hopefully, you will gain a sense of purpose after visiting, transforming the pain to peace.

Memorial Park Highlights

Shuttle Service

Shuttle service from parking to venue area or family plot

Funeral Attendance

Live funeral infrastructure, for real time attendance if not possible to attend physically


Capturing and recording of the different steps of the proceedings

Virtual Reality

Virtual Gravesite visits and viewing.

Drone Footage

Drone footage of funeral live-stream and parameter security of the memorial park

Event Planning

Professional event planning services to take care of every aspect of the funeral.

View the Brochure

Click on the link below to view the electronic brochure for Memorial Gardens Memorial Park offering.


We offer very flexible payment plans to suit your pocket.

Your loved one deserves the best

The garden uses the latest technology through an online portal with multiple features where there is an augmented reality experience as well as online virtual visits available with a full concierge service. Wifi is available throughout the entire site. The memorial site will be operational 24 hours an day and have drone security implemented.

Head Office

